The Daily Weather Update from Fox Weather: Major Cities Brace for Storms


Welcome to your daily weather update from Fox Weather! This week, severe storms are targeting major cities. Let’s find out more about these storms and how you can stay safe.

What Are Severe Storms?

Severe storms are powerful weather events. They can bring heavy rain, strong winds, hail, and even tornadoes. These storms can cause damage to homes and trees. It is important to be prepared.

Major Cities at Risk

This week, several major cities are at risk. These cities include:

  • New York
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Atlanta
  • Los Angeles

Let’s take a closer look at the weather forecast for each city.

New York

New York will see heavy rain and strong winds. The storms might cause flooding in some areas. Be sure to stay indoors and avoid driving if possible.


Chicago is also expecting severe storms. The city may experience hail and strong winds. Keep an eye on weather updates and stay safe.


In Dallas, the storms could bring heavy rain and lightning. It is important to stay indoors and avoid using electronic devices during the storm.


Atlanta will see thunderstorms with strong winds. Be prepared for possible power outages. Keep flashlights and batteries handy.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is expecting rain and strong winds. The city may see some flooding in low-lying areas. Stay informed and stay safe.

How to Prepare for Severe Storms

Preparing for severe storms is important. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Listen to the news and weather updates.
  • Have a Plan: Know where to go if a storm hits. Have a safe place in your home or nearby.
  • Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit. Include water, food, flashlights, and batteries.
  • Secure Your Home: Make sure your home is secure. Close windows and doors. Bring in outdoor furniture.
  • Stay Indoors: During the storm, stay indoors. Avoid going outside until it is safe.

What to Do During a Storm

During a storm, it is important to stay calm and follow these steps:

  • Stay Away from Windows: Stay away from windows and doors. Find a safe place in your home.
  • Use Flashlights: If the power goes out, use flashlights. Avoid using candles as they can cause fires.
  • Unplug Electronics: Unplug electronic devices. This will protect them from power surges.
  • Listen to Updates: Keep listening to weather updates. Follow any instructions from authorities.

After the Storm

Once the storm has passed, there are still steps to take:

  • Check for Damage: Check your home for any damage. Be careful of broken glass and debris.
  • Stay Informed: Continue to listen to weather updates. There may be more storms coming.
  • Help Others: Check on your neighbors. Offer help if they need it.
  • Clean Up Safely: Be careful when cleaning up. Wear gloves and be aware of any hazards.

Weather Safety for Kids

It is important for kids to know how to stay safe during storms. Here are some tips for kids:

  • Stay Indoors: Always stay indoors during a storm. Find a safe place in your home.
  • Stay Calm: Don’t be scared. Stay calm and listen to adults.
  • Follow Instructions: Listen to what adults say. Follow their instructions.
  • Stay Away from Windows: Don’t go near windows or doors. Find a safe place away from glass.


Severe storms can be scary, but being prepared can help. Stay informed with Fox Weather updates. Make sure you and your family are ready. Follow these tips to stay safe. Remember, safety comes first!

Severe Storm Safety Checklist
Safety Tips Details
Stay Informed Keep an eye on the weather forecast and listen to updates.
Have a Plan Know where to go if a storm hits. Have a safe place in your home or nearby.
Emergency Kit Prepare an emergency kit with water, food, flashlights, and batteries.
Secure Your Home Close windows and doors. Bring in outdoor furniture.
Stay Indoors Stay indoors during the storm. Avoid going outside until it is safe.
Stay Away from Windows Find a safe place in your home away from windows and doors.
Use Flashlights If the power goes out, use flashlights instead of candles.
Unplug Electronics Unplug electronic devices to protect them from power surges.
Listen to Updates Keep listening to weather updates and follow any instructions.

Stay safe and stay informed with Fox Weather. We will keep you updated on the latest weather news.


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