Study Finds Some Antidepressants Contribute More to Weight Gain Than Others


A recent study has revealed that certain commonly prescribed antidepressants are more likely to contribute to weight gain than others. The findings are significant, as weight gain can be a significant deterrent for individuals considering starting antidepressant treatment, despite the potential benefits for their mental health.

The study, which analyzed data from over 183,000 individuals starting antidepressants for the first time, found that the average weight gain varied considerably across different medications. For example, individuals taking the antidepressant sertraline (brand names Zoloft and Lustral) experienced an average weight gain of around 0.5 pounds at six months, which increased to 3.2 pounds at 24 months. In contrast, those taking escitalopram and paroxetine faced a higher risk of gaining at least 5% of their initial body weight within six months.

The researchers emphasized that a weight gain of 5% or more from baseline weight can have clinical significance for overall health, as factors such as inactivity, stress, poor sleep, and unhealthy dietary choices can contribute to gradual weight gain over time, potentially leading to obesity.

While the exact mechanisms behind why certain antidepressants may lead to weight changes remain unclear, experts stress the importance of open communication between patients and healthcare providers to address concerns and manage potential side effects effectively. By fostering healthy lifestyle habits and engaging in regular physical activity, individuals can proactively mitigate the risk of weight gain associated with antidepressant use.

The study’s findings underscore the need for healthcare providers to carefully consider the potential weight-related side effects when prescribing antidepressants, and to work closely with patients to find the most suitable medication and management plan for their individual needs.


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